Camper sign-up form

Sessions are on Wednesdays from 7:30 – 9:00 PM, but no worries if you can’t make them all – let us know ahead of time and we’ll send you all the material that was covered.

Please sign up ASAP!

PF Debate: you compete with a partner to debate another team of 2. The topic changes every 1 or 2 months and is often based on current events or issues of importance across the world. 

LD Debate: you compete individually to debate another single debater. The topic changes every 2 months and there is a focus on philosophy and moral obligations. 

Project On-Balance leadership consists of both coaching and management.

Read the role description in each application form to make sure you know the commitments before applying!

Coaching team

There are several coaches in each event (depending on camper numbers); each is assigned a “lab group” of 4-5 students.

Public Forum Coach

Lincoln Douglas Coach

Managament team

Social Media Chair

Outreach Chair